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Showing posts from July, 2024

Refresh Page On Enter / Return Key Press

I made a little quiz with HTML, CSS and JavaScript that helps me learn stuff for school. I only use… Read more Refresh Page On Enter / Return Key Press

Mongoose & Express: How To Properly Remove, Create & Store Data That Are Reference

The first problem I am having is that whenever I try to delete the Comment, I also try to find the … Read more Mongoose & Express: How To Properly Remove, Create & Store Data That Are Reference

Handle Relative Image Paths Ajax

I'm developing a small Google chrome extension that screen scrapes a certain website. The probl… Read more Handle Relative Image Paths Ajax

Json.parse Not Able To Parse Valid Json Object

JSON.parse throws error when I try to parse a valid JSON object. My issue is i'm receiving data… Read more Json.parse Not Able To Parse Valid Json Object

Ember.js Dynamic Model Requests

I am trying to make a request from the store for a model based on the result of a previous model re… Read more Ember.js Dynamic Model Requests

How To Make Iframe With Svg "focusable"

I want to detect click on an iframe. The suggested way to do this is to catch blur event on parent … Read more How To Make Iframe With Svg "focusable"

How To Properly Overwrite The Exceptionhandler In Angularjs?

For an app I'm using a skeleton that is very similar to… Read more How To Properly Overwrite The Exceptionhandler In Angularjs?

On Hover To Show Icon ? Angular 2+

I want the button to only show up on my hover on selected row ? Here is my code : https://stackblit… Read more On Hover To Show Icon ? Angular 2+

Listen To Element Visibility In Angular 2

I'm using Bootstrap and Angular 2 (v4) for my webapp. I would like to listen to an element in a… Read more Listen To Element Visibility In Angular 2

How To Define Nested Object Model In Angular?

Property roleDto does not exist on type TeamMembersDropdownDto[]. Cause I wanted to assign the this… Read more How To Define Nested Object Model In Angular?

Javascript To Jquery, Add Text In Input Onclick

How can I change this javascript code to JQuery. Read more Javascript To Jquery, Add Text In Input Onclick

Jquery First Of Type Selector?

How would I select the first element in the following with jQuery? heading How do I select this e… Read more Jquery First Of Type Selector?

Calling A Javascript Function Without Arguments

Is it possible to call a javascript function without paranthesis? (). In the below code, from a bo… Read more Calling A Javascript Function Without Arguments

Returning The Uk Post Code Only Part Of A Google Maps Geocode Result

I have the following line of code from the Google Maps API V3 sample:… Read more Returning The Uk Post Code Only Part Of A Google Maps Geocode Result

I Want To Upload A Video From My Web Page To Youtube By Using Javascript Youtube Api

I want to upload a video from my web page to youtube by using javascript youtube API but there is … Read more I Want To Upload A Video From My Web Page To Youtube By Using Javascript Youtube Api

Setting Up An Array To Handle Size Conditions

I've got the following code. I am working on an array. I found a javascript array instruction… Read more Setting Up An Array To Handle Size Conditions

Javascript Syntax Error Unexpected Token Illegal

function queue_instructions(){ var input_message = 'Commands w? Shows whos on the … Read more Javascript Syntax Error Unexpected Token Illegal

Javascript Type Error 'childnodes' Undefined

Need to Dynamically Add/Remove rows in HTML table using JavaScript getting a type error. Type Error… Read more Javascript Type Error 'childnodes' Undefined

Cordova Unable To Load Platformapi

I have been having this issue for few days now. Cordova won't run in browser, error says browse… Read more Cordova Unable To Load Platformapi

Jquery - Intercept Links Clicked Inside An Iframe

I am trying to intercept links clicked on a page including those inside an iframe. This is the cod… Read more Jquery - Intercept Links Clicked Inside An Iframe

Openlayers 3, Area Intersection Between Geometries

I'm evaluating if OpenLayers3 would serve us to develop some tools we need on our day to day ba… Read more Openlayers 3, Area Intersection Between Geometries

How Can I Collapse A Specific Part Of An Accordion Styled On Page Load

I have got links from several pages linking to a specific page where my accordion grid is. And on p… Read more How Can I Collapse A Specific Part Of An Accordion Styled On Page Load

Prevent Tooltip In Converting Html Entities

The above code for tooltip displays 'PROJECT>'. But what I need is to display the text a… Read more Prevent Tooltip In Converting Html Entities

Question About Time Functions In Php And Javascript Particularly The Gettime Function Of Javascript

I have a problem in my code, it seems like PHP and Javascript is returning different Unix Epoch tim… Read more Question About Time Functions In Php And Javascript Particularly The Gettime Function Of Javascript

How Do I Turn On/off The Caps Lock Key

We can able to detect the Caps lock key is ON/OFF using Jquery. My question is 'can we possibl… Read more How Do I Turn On/off The Caps Lock Key

Uwp: Cannot Access Licenseinformation

I am using the following piece of code to check in my UWP-JS app if an in-app purchase is active: (… Read more Uwp: Cannot Access Licenseinformation

Any Way To Keep An Html Button Pressed?

I have a button . Is there any way to keep it visually pressed and unpress it via javascript? Than… Read more Any Way To Keep An Html Button Pressed?

How To Pass Parameters From Main Process To Render Processes In Electron

I have an Electron app that can open different windows. On app launch the app open a set of window(… Read more How To Pass Parameters From Main Process To Render Processes In Electron

Attach Event Handlers For Click Event On All Elements In The Dom

I want to be able to figure out which part of my page has been clicked. There is no guarantee the e… Read more Attach Event Handlers For Click Event On All Elements In The Dom

Button Stops Multiple Audio Tracks

I am creating a Launchpad, and each row is built of 8 buttons/audio tracks and a stop button. I am … Read more Button Stops Multiple Audio Tracks

How To Prevent View Source Of Page Using Javascript?

How to prevent to download the source code of page using File > Save as? Solution 1: It's n… Read more How To Prevent View Source Of Page Using Javascript?

Load Different Pages With In A Single Iframe

hi guys, This is the extension of the question Auto redirecting to another pages at regular int… Read more Load Different Pages With In A Single Iframe

Remove "null" Attributes In Leaflet Popups With An If-statement

I am using external geojson attributes to fill my popup windows in Leaflet, like this: function pop… Read more Remove "null" Attributes In Leaflet Popups With An If-statement

How To Include A "string Includes" Function Inside A Angular Filter

I am working on filtering with checkboxes, My geojson has a property of status. the status is value… Read more How To Include A "string Includes" Function Inside A Angular Filter

How To Remove Dynamically Loaded Images In Javascript

I'm loading in 3 images (named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3jpg) dynamically to 3 divs called 'div1',… Read more How To Remove Dynamically Loaded Images In Javascript

Calling A Specific Id Inside A Frame

I have a iframe tag in mainpage.html, that iframe calls back.html.. is there any way to call only t… Read more Calling A Specific Id Inside A Frame

Use Javascript To Draw A Single Dom Element In Two Places

I'm using jQueryUI to create a large table of sortable cards, each of which is composed of a la… Read more Use Javascript To Draw A Single Dom Element In Two Places

How To Round To A Multiple Of A Specific Number Javascript?

I need to round a number to the nearest multiple of 27 with JavaScript. It would be better if I cou… Read more How To Round To A Multiple Of A Specific Number Javascript?

Can I Use An Http.serverresponse As A Prototype In Node.js?

I am unable to get this to work: var proxyResponse = function(res) { return Object.create(res); }… Read more Can I Use An Http.serverresponse As A Prototype In Node.js?

Viewmodel Memory Leak - Getting Rid Of A Circular Dependency

I have knockout.js child view models living in an observableArray that depend on an observable in t… Read more Viewmodel Memory Leak - Getting Rid Of A Circular Dependency

Preventing Close Of Select Input On Selection In React

How can I prevent a element from closing it's dropdown automatically after an option has been … Read more Preventing Close Of Select Input On Selection In React

Unexpected Token, Expected "," Inside Of React Render() Function In The Return Statement

The error is unexpected token, expected ',' in the render return function. I am using babel… Read more Unexpected Token, Expected "," Inside Of React Render() Function In The Return Statement

Get Facebook Fan Page-id In Page Tab App Using Javascript

Can I get Facebook fan page-id in page tab app without authorizing user using javascript? And also … Read more Get Facebook Fan Page-id In Page Tab App Using Javascript

Prevent Default Link Action With Addeventlistener

test var a = document.getElementById(link); a.addEventListener('click',function(e){ //cod… Read more Prevent Default Link Action With Addeventlistener

Assign Click Handlers In For Loop

I'm having several div's #mydiv1, #mydiv2, #mydiv3, ... and want to assign click handlers t… Read more Assign Click Handlers In For Loop

Utilizing Componentdidmount When Switching Between Different Instances Of The Same React Component

According to the react documentation:… Read more Utilizing Componentdidmount When Switching Between Different Instances Of The Same React Component

Mongoose Not Returning A Record

Well, Last night I posted a question because I was frustrated getting mixed returns on a method cal… Read more Mongoose Not Returning A Record

Loading A Large Collection In A Meteor App

In a Meteor app, a large collection containing 1000 records is published to the client. However use… Read more Loading A Large Collection In A Meteor App

Modify Dojo Chart X Axis With Real Data

Question: How can I build an X axis for a dojo chart from a Date column? I'm trying to create a… Read more Modify Dojo Chart X Axis With Real Data

Dynamic Routing With React, Blog Posts And Wordpress Api

I tried following this tutorial to get a feel of how dynamic routing would work. Now instead of usi… Read more Dynamic Routing With React, Blog Posts And Wordpress Api

Creating New Data Object Set From Multiple Nested Arrays

I've have a complex data structure with multiple nested arrays in place. Below is the current s… Read more Creating New Data Object Set From Multiple Nested Arrays

Iscroll Won't Let Items Be Clicked

I am using iScroll4 and it's working great! This are the functions I use to init, refresh and e… Read more Iscroll Won't Let Items Be Clicked

How To Change Svg's Path Color?

Update: Yes, I know there are similar questions on SO, but the solutions don't work either. I w… Read more How To Change Svg's Path Color?

Slowly Change One Angle To Another

Skip to JSFiddle I'm creating one of these fun scripts that interact with mouse. I decided I wa… Read more Slowly Change One Angle To Another

Post Form To More Urls

is it there any way to post a form to more URLs? I need it in javascript.. For example: I've g… Read more Post Form To More Urls

Don't Validate Untouched Fields In Angular2

I have reactive form and don't want validation to be triggered until user really visits a field… Read more Don't Validate Untouched Fields In Angular2

Xterm.js: How To Hide Xterm-helper-textarea?

I try to use Xtermjs in Reactjs. but when I follow the guide. the result shows as following: It sh… Read more Xterm.js: How To Hide Xterm-helper-textarea?

Linked Comboboxes With One Store In Extjs 4.0

I have 2 comboboxes. The first selects a category, the second selects the sub category. Both catego… Read more Linked Comboboxes With One Store In Extjs 4.0

D3.js Multiple Relationship Visual / Linkhorizontal() / Tangled Tree

I am trying to mimic a visual that depicts multiple relationships by time period, like this (time p… Read more D3.js Multiple Relationship Visual / Linkhorizontal() / Tangled Tree

Hover-menu In Right Side Of Fixed Div

I have a div with a fixed position (a top panel) which shall also contain a settings menu at the fa… Read more Hover-menu In Right Side Of Fixed Div