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D3.js Multiple Relationship Visual / Linkhorizontal() / Tangled Tree

I am trying to mimic a visual that depicts multiple relationships by time period, like this (time period = generation): However, my efforts have not panned out thus far; I'm still

Solution 1:

I think a lot of what you did, specifically around data wrangling, was not necessary, especially since you called d3.hierarchy() and d3.cluster() afterwards. I've replaced this with d3.stratify (which deals with hierarchical data that is not yet in the right format).

I've also replaced d3.cluster with d3.tree() because it was unclear to me why you'd want to use d3.cluster here. Your data has multiple parents, multiple roots and even floating nodes, and d3 is not meant to deal with that. My workaround has been to attach pseudonodes to every level, so as to make sure that there is only one node and that all nodes are at the right level at all times. To make sure the links were drawn correctly, I've written a custom getLinks function, that can deal with multiple parents.

I've also written a custom link generator that draws the links somewhat in the way that you want them. d3 doesn't offer much of flexibility here, but you can use the source code for inspiration.


I've changed the logic to be more focused on which "partners" got a child, so both links to the same child are on the same level - like in your picture. I've also drawn the nodes based on how many partners they have, and have given every link an offset so the lines are more distinct.

I've sorted the nodes so that the real pro-creators are at the top (Zeus), which gives a more balanced and less crowded view.

const margins = {
  top: 20,
  bottom: 300,
  left: 30,
  right: 100,

const height = 900;
const width = 900;

const totalWidth = width + margins.left + margins.right;
const totalHeight = height + + margins.bottom;

const svg ='body')
  .attr('width', totalWidth)
  .attr('height', totalHeight);

const graphGroup = svg.append('g')
  .attr('transform', "translate(" + margins.left + "," + + ")");

const levels = [
    id: 'Chaos',
    id: 'Gaea',
    parents: ['Chaos'],
      id: 'Uranus',
    id: 'Oceanus',
    parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Thethys',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Pontus',
      id: 'Rhea',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Cronus',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Coeus',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Phoebe',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Crius',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Hyperion',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Iapetus',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Thea',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Themis',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
      id: 'Mnemosyne',
      parents: ['Gaea', 'Uranus'],
    id: 'Doris',
    parents: ['Oceanus', 'Thethys'],
      id: 'Neures',
      parents: ['Pontus', 'Gaea'],
      id: 'Dionne',
      id: 'Demeter',
      parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus'],
      id: 'Hades',
      parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus'],
      id: 'Hera',
      parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus'],
      id: 'Alcmene',
      id: 'Zeus',
      parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus'],
      id: 'Eris',
      id: 'Leto',
      parents: ['Coeus', 'Phoebe'],
      id: 'Amphitrite',
      id: 'Medusa',
      id: 'Poseidon',
      parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus'],
      id: 'Hestia',
      parents: ['Rhea', 'Cronus'],
    id: 'Thetis',
    parents: ['Doris', 'Neures'],
      id: 'Peleus',
      id: 'Anchises',
      id: 'Adonis',
      id: 'Aphrodite',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Dionne'],
      id: 'Persephone',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Demeter'],
      id: 'Ares',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera'],
      id: 'Hephaestus',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera'],
      id: 'Hebe',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera'],
      id: 'Hercules',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Alcmene'],
      id: 'Megara',
      id: 'Deianira',
      id: 'Eileithya',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Hera'],
      id: 'Ate',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Eris'],
      id: 'Leda',
      id: 'Athena',
      parents: ['Zeus'],
      id: 'Apollo',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Leto'],
      id: 'Artemis',
      parents: ['Zeus', 'Leto'],
      id: 'Triton',
      parents: ['Poseidon', 'Amphitrite'],
      id: 'Pegasus',
      parents: ['Poseidon', 'Medusa'],
      id: 'Orion',
      parents: ['Poseidon'],
      id: 'Polyphemus',
      parents: ['Poseidon'],
    id: 'Deidamia',
      id: 'Achilles',
      parents: ['Peleus', 'Thetis'],
      id: 'Creusa',
      id: 'Aeneas',
      parents: ['Anchises', 'Aphrodite'],
      id: 'Lavinia',
      id: 'Eros',
      parents: ['Hephaestus', 'Aphrodite'],
      id: 'Helen',
      parents: ['Leda', 'Zeus'],
      id: 'Menelaus',
      id: 'Polydueces',
      parents: ['Leda', 'Zeus'],
    id: 'Andromache',
      id: 'Neoptolemus',
      parents: ['Deidamia', 'Achilles'],
      id: 'Aeneas(2)',
      parents: ['Creusa', 'Aeneas'],
      id: 'Pompilius',
      parents: ['Creusa', 'Aeneas'],
      id: 'Iulus',
      parents: ['Lavinia', 'Aeneas'],
      id: 'Hermione',
      parents: ['Helen', 'Menelaus'],


// We add one pseudo node to every level to deal with parentless nodes
levels.forEach((l, i) => {
  l.forEach((n, j) => {
    n.level = i;
    if (n.parents !== undefined) {
      n.parent = n.parents[0];
    } else {
      n.parent = `pseudo-${i - 1}`;
    id: `pseudo-${i}`,
    parent: i > 0 ? `pseudo-${i - 1}` : "",
    level: i

const nodes = levels.flat();
const colours = d3.scaleOrdinal()
  .domain(nodes.filter(n => n.parents)
    .map(n => n.parents.sort()

functiongetLinks(nodes) {
  return nodes
    .filter(n => !== undefined)
    .map(n => => ({
      source: nodes.find(n => === p),
      target: n

const offsetPerPartner = 3;
constdrawNodePath = d => {
  const radius = 5;
  // The number of partners determines the node height// But when a node has only one partner,// treat it the same as when it has zeroconst nPartners = ( && > 1)
    : 0;

  // We want to centre each nodeconst straightLineOffset = (nPartners * offsetPerPartner) / 2;

  const context = d3.path();
  context.moveTo(-radius, 0);
  context.lineTo(-radius, -straightLineOffset);
  context.arc(0, -straightLineOffset, radius, -Math.PI, 0);
  context.lineTo(radius, straightLineOffset);
  context.arc(0, straightLineOffset, radius, 0, Math.PI);

  return context + "";

constdrawLinkCurve = (x0, y0, x1, y1, offset, radius) => {
  const context = d3.path();
  context.moveTo(x0, y0);
  context.lineTo(x1 - 2 * radius - offset, y0);

  // If there is not enough space to draw two corners, reduce the corner radiusif (Math.abs(y0 - y1) < 2 * radius) {
    radius = Math.abs(y0 - y1) / 2;

  if (y0 < y1) {
    context.arcTo(x1 - offset - radius, y0, x1 - offset - radius, y0 + radius, radius);
    context.lineTo(x1 - offset - radius, y1 - radius);
    context.arcTo(x1 - offset - radius, y1, x1 - offset, y1, radius);
  } elseif (y0 > y1) {
    context.arcTo(x1 - offset - radius, y0, x1 - offset - radius, y0 - radius, radius);
    context.lineTo(x1 - offset - radius, y1 + radius);
    context.arcTo(x1 - offset - radius, y1, x1 - offset, y1, radius);
  context.lineTo(x1, y1);
  return context + "";

const partnershipsPerLevel = {};
constgetPartnershipOffset = (parent, partner) => {
  let partnershipId, level;
  if(partner !== undefined) {
    // On every level, every relationship gets its own offset. If a relationship// spans multiple levels, the furthest level is chosen
    level = Math.max(parent.depth, partner.level);
    if(!partnershipsPerLevel[level]) { partnershipsPerLevel[level] = []; }
    partnershipId = [,].sort().join("-");
  } else {
    level = parent.depth;
    if(!partnershipsPerLevel[level]) { partnershipsPerLevel[level] = []; }
    partnershipId =;

  // Assume that the partnership already has a slot assignedconst partnershipOffset = partnershipsPerLevel[level].indexOf(partnershipId);
  if(partnershipOffset === -1) {
    // Apparently notreturn partnershipsPerLevel[level].push(partnershipId) - 1;
  return partnershipOffset;

const lineRadius = 10;
const offsetStep = 5;
constlinkFn = link => {
  const thisParent = link.source;
  const partnerId = => p !==;
  const partners = || [];

  // Let the first link start with this negative offset// But when a node has only one partner,// treat it the same as when it has zeroconst startOffset = (partners.length > 1)
    ? -(partners.length * offsetPerPartner) / 2
    : 0;

  const partner = partners.find(p => === partnerId);

  // Chaos has no partner, nor Zeus with Athenaconst nthPartner = partner !== undefined
    ? partners.indexOf(partner)
    : (partners || []).length;
  const partnershipOffset = getPartnershipOffset(thisParent, partner);

    thisParent.x + startOffset + offsetPerPartner * nthPartner,,,
    offsetStep * partnershipOffset,

functiondraw(root) {
  // Now every node has had it's position set, we can draw them nowconst nodes = root.descendants()
    .filter(n => !"pseudo-"));
  const links = getLinks(nodes)
    .filter(l => !"pseudo-"));

  const link = graphGroup.selectAll(".link")
    .attr("class", "link")
    .attr("stroke", d =>colours("-")))
    .attr("d", linkFn);

  const node = graphGroup.selectAll(".node")
  const newNode = node.enter()
    .attr("class", "node");

    .attr("d", drawNodePath);
    .attr("dy", -3)
    .attr("x", 6);

    .attr("transform", d =>`translate(${d.y},${d.x})`)
    .text(d =>;

const root = d3.stratify()
  .parentId(d => d.parent)

// Map the different sets of parents,// assigning each parent an array of partnersgetLinks(root.descendants())
  .filter(l =>
  .forEach(l => {
    const parentNames =;
    if (parentNames.length > 1) {
      const parentNodes = => nodes.find(n => === p));

      parentNodes.forEach(p => {
        if (! {
 = [];
          .filter(n => n !== p && !
          .forEach(n => {

// Take nodes with more partners first,// also counting the partners of the children
  .sum(d => (d.value || 0) + ( || []).length)
  .sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value);

const tree = d3.tree()
  .size([height, width])
  .separation((a, b) => {
    // More separation between nodes with many childrenconst totalPartners = ( || []).length + ( || []).length;
    return1 + (totalPartners / 5);

.link {
  fill: none;
  stroke-width: 2;

.node path {
  stroke: black;
  stroke-width: 3;
  fill: white;

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