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Post Form To More Urls

is it there any way to post a form to more URLs? I need it in javascript.. For example: I've got 2 documents: 1.php and 2.php.. I want the form to post data to the both of these f

Solution 1:

You need a form with the action "1.php" and jQuery.


    var $th = $(this);

        type: 'post',
        url: '2.php',  // note: edited by Ryandata: $th.serialize(),
        success: function(){

Solution 2:

Using JavaScript, yes

You'll want to make one call using the XMLHttpRequest function available in JavaScript to make an AJAX call to the php.2 script. The second call can then be done using document.forms["FORMNAME"].submit().

Libraries like jQuery's Ajax functions make it easier to use the XMLHttpRequest function. See the jquery.get(),, and jquery.ajax() (a.k.a $.get(), $.post() and $.ajax()) function documentation

Here are a few guides to doing AJAX calls using jQuery's $.post() and $.ajax() functions.

  • (
  • (
  • (
  • (

Also here is an example framework of how this can be coded up:

    <form id="exampleform" name="exampleform" action="1.php">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function submitForm()
        ... // set up vars for $.post() call

        // Make the post call for the 2.php
        $.post( ... );

        // Submit the form for 1.php

Solution 3:

All above solution should work, but remember ajax is only alowed in same domain posting. This mean you are on, you can only post to or If you really want to cross domain posting, you should create an empty ifram as target (id="iframeid") then change the target of the form to it:


After that you can use javascript to post to one page, and then change action url and repost again

Solution 4:

the quick and dirty way to do this is to post the form to one script which will in turn post it to a second script.

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