How To Style A Programatically Add Element In Angular
Could I please ask for help with the following (pictures are not working for me otherwise I would provide screenshots) Am using Angular. In my .scss code I have the following style
Solution 1:
User, apologies about my comment. I want to say that in Angular we should think in variables. when we want to repeat something usually we use some like
//in .ts
//in html
<div *ngFor="let item of array">
Hello word
Well, nobody want repeat only "Hello word", so ours arrays usually are array of object
So, some like
//in .ts
//in html
<div *ngFor="let item of array">
Show the names "jhon" and "peter".
See your code, see that you're repeating structure, you can think in an array like
So you can create the .html as
<table id="AssetManagementTable">
<tr background-color: #F8FAF9; height="56px">
<th class="tableHeaderText">Tool Series</th>
<th class="tableHeaderText">Serial Number</th>
<!--see that you iterate over array using *ngFor-->
<tr *ngFor="let item of array" height="50px">
<!--as the variable you use to iterate is "item"
you can "interpolate" and in item.entryText
you has the value of entryText-->
<td class="tableEntryText">{{item.entryText}}</td>
<td class="dropdown tableEntryText">
<form action="" name="FILTER">
<select class="noBorder" name="filter_for" >
<!--here see that you iterate over item.options
if you simple want to show the option use {{option}}
but in "value" you can use [value]="option"
also you can write value="{{option}}" -->
<option *ngFor="let option of item.options" [value]="option">{{option}}</option>
See that if you want to add a new row, the only is add a new element to the array. You can create a function
And call the function in a button, e.g.
<button (click)="addElement()">add</button>
Yes is a "simple" exercise, but I hope understand me when say that "you should think in "variables"
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