Testing For Specific Properties Of Rejected Promises, With Mocha And Chai-as-promised
I am trying to test the specifics of a rejected Promise, using Chai-as-Promised, Mocha, and the 'should' dialect. Promises are implemented by bluebird. This works fine: it('it shou
Solution 1:
I think rejectedWith() handler has some issues. But you can do like this:
Solution 2:
If you want to check if your promised was rejected and check the resulting object (aka the reason):
return fooPromise.should.be.rejected.and.eventually.deep.equal({
'x': 1,
'y': 1,
'z': 2
You can change deep.equal
to the any of the usual other chai
Note: This is an extension of @sertug's answer and hopefully will be useful for others coming here who looking for this.
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