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Javascript After 7 Seconds Slide Image I am trying to make the image slide to the left after 7 seconds, how come it's not working? Html:

Solution 1:

You just have a syntax error. The }); line should be removed entirely:

I think you meant to use syntax that would have } and ) on the same line or got it from some tutorial like:

setTimeout(function () {
    // .animate call stuff here
}, 7000);

By the way, you could do this purely with CSS using animations:

Solution 2:

functionFetchData() {
    $("#pack").css('margin-left', 0);
    $("#pack").css('margin-right', 0);
        left: '-1000px'
    }, 'slow');
setTimeout(FetchData, 7000);

you can also make the first two lines of the function into one like this

$("#pack").css({"margin-left": "0", "margin-right": "0"});

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