Facebook Requests 2.0 Filter
So I hope someone call help me with this issue as I'm not too sure if its javascript, or if its facebook. Here's my situation. I upgraded to Requests 2.0 on facebook, which no lon
Solution 1:
i was try this code and it is work good with me
method: 'apprequests',
filters: ['app_non_users'],
message: 'msg here!',
title: 'title for box'
function(response) {
alert(response.request_ids);//this is return after send invite
just if you want filter result with list of user use
filters: [{name: 'Invite friends', user_ids: <?phpecho json_encode($users_array);?> }],
Solution 2:
After much trial and error, I figured out the solution.
<scriptlanguage="Javascript"type="text/javascript">var friends_filter = '<?=$myClass->getFiltered());?>';
I changed to
<scriptlanguage="Javascript"type="text/javascript">var friends_filter = [<?=$myClass->getFiltered());?>];
By replacing the quotes around the php echo with brackets.
Then I changed:
filters: [{name: 'Non-Added', user_ids: [friends_filter]}],
filters: [{name: 'Non-Added', user_ids: friends_filter}],
Solution 3:
If you want to exclude those (of your friends) who added the application, you simply use:
filters: ['app_non_users']
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