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Rails - Changing Boolean In Database From Js.erb File

In my scenario in rails application after sharing content to facebook i will get a response object with post id post_id: 'mypostidhere' If its not successful i will get response o

Solution 1:

current_user is not a local variable to your JS function/file, it is a helper provided and available in your rails application.

So, what I will like to ask is:

How are you using current_user in the JS file?

What you can do is to make an ajax call to a controller method, and then access current_user directly from the controller.

Solution 2:

If you want to change the db, you're going to have to communicate with your Rails app, which is done with ajax:

... // your events will fire
   url: "/users/update",
   method: "PUT",
   data: { param: "value" }
   success: function(data) {
      // do something here

This will allow you to do the following:

resources :usersdo
   put :update, on::collectionend#app/controllers/users_controller.rbclassUsersController < ApplicationControllerdefupdate



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