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Load A Twitter Bootstrap Popover On Page Load

I have the following BootStrap popover:

Solution 1:

I found this way to be convenient:

You can trigger the 'show' and set options in one fell swoop:

   'content':'Look at me!'

Solution 2:

You forgot the quotes for show. This works:

$(function () { 

Full example would be:

<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><linkhref="css/bootstrap.min.css"rel="stylesheet"></head><body><ahref='#'id='example'rel='popover'data-placement='right'data-content='Its so simple to create a tooltop for my website!'data-original-title='Twitter Bootstrap Popover'>HEY</a><scriptsrc="js/jquery.js"></script><scriptsrc="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script><scriptsrc="js/script.js"></script><script>
      $(function() { 

Solution 3:

Run it after window is loaded like so:


Solution 4:


Solution 5:




It works for me. Try it out.

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