How To Pass Values From Pop Up Window To Parent Window Through Jquery In Mvc
i have three buttons in my view page says 'Button1', 'Button2' & 'Button3' and i have three TextBoxes corresponds to each button says 'TextBox1','TextBox2' & 'TextBox3' . W
Solution 1:
Give an id to the textboxes (for example textBox1
), then try's a simple JavaScript.
You don't need jQuery for this.
window.opener.document["nameForm"].getElementById("textBox1 ").value = "your some values will go here"
Solution 2:
We can do this by using jquery OR Javascript. here we are going to discuss with email id updates.
in bellow example a pop up window will open with auto fill email id from parent window. after update, a email will automatically update in parent window text box and pop up window will have closed autocratically.
1) Create file index.html as a parent windows
<!DOCTYPE HTMLPUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”><html><title></title><head></head><body><table><tr><tdcolspan=”2″>Example for update email id.</td></tr><tr><td>Email Id:</td><td><inputtype=’text’name=”emailID”id=”emailId”value=””></td></tr><tr><td><inputtype=”button”name=”update”value=”Update”onClick=’“update_popup.html”, “”, “width=400,height=300″)’></td></tr></table></body></html>
2) Create file update_popup.html as a pop up window where email id auto fill from parent window for update.
<!DOCTYPE HTMLPUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”><html><title></title><head></head><scriptsrc=””></script><script>
//== pre fill parent window email id in popup window for updatevar emailId = window.opener.document.getElementById(“emailId”).value;
//=== update updated email id in to parent window
var updated_emailId = $(“#emailId”).val();
window.opener.document.getElementById(“emailId”).value = updated_emailId;
</script><body><table><tr><td>Email Id:</td><td><inputtype=’text’name=”emailID”id=”emailId”value=””></td></tr><tr><td><inputtype=”button”name=”Save”id=”Save”value=”Save”></td></tr></table></body></html>
for more click on.
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