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Rowchart Select Only A Single Bar In Dc.js / Crossfilter?

I have a dc.rowchart that has 5 different 'categories'. Initially, all are selected. When I click on one, then only that one is highlighted. When I click on a second one... both th

Solution 1:

Ethan's answer is almost there. It's likely unintentional, but dc.js doesn't appear to use the return value for addFilterHandler, so you'll have to modify the filters parameter for it to work, like so:

myChart.addFilterHandler(function (filters, filter) {
    filters.length = 0; // empty the array
    return filters;

This works great as long as your chart doesn't use cap (e.g. a pie chart with limited slices), as this handler prevents the others group from working. I've yet to come up with a satisfactory solution for that case, unfortunately.

Solution 2:

I assume you'll want addFilterHandler -

You'd probably want to do the following, but it's untested.

myChart.addFilterHander(function (filters, filter) {
    return [filter];

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