Howto Bind A Click Event In A Backbone Subview
Solution 1:
First thing, you may read documentation and this. Explanation about el
is given there.
As TenantView
has parentEl
property, I'm assuming it is being rendered from some parent_view
. I would suggest some approach like below and give it a try.
varChildView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName : "li", // change it according to your needs
events : {
"click": "setActive"
initialize : function() {
_.bindAll(this, "setActive");
// code to initialize child_view
render : function() {
// as I'm not familiar with the way you are using template, // I've put simple call to render template, but it should render the// content to be kept inside "li" tagthis.$el.html(this.template());
setActive : function(event) {
// code to be executed in event callback
varParentView = Backbone.View.extend({
el : "#parent_view_el",
initialize : function() {
// parent view initialization code
render : function() {
// a place from where ChildView is initialized// might be a loop through collection to initialize more than one child views// passing individual model to the viewvar child_view = newChildView();
this.$("ul").append(child_view.render().$el); // equivalent to this.$el.find("ul")returnthis;
Hope it helps !!
Solution 2:
You have kind of disabled backbones natural behavior by introducing your parentEl
property and circumventing the creation of a view element. You basically never wire up the views `elz property to anything.
If I get your code right, the TenantView
is a single list item in a list of tenants.
In your TenantView
you can do this to leverage backbones built in events:
render: function() {
The setElement
function will use the return value of you template
function to wire up the views element and also setup the events for you. In the documentation it is suggested to use setElement
in favor of just assigning something to the el
property. There is also the nifty $el
property which will contain a cached jQuery (or Zepto) object of your view's element.
To go more in the backbone way personally I would consider something like this:
var TenantView = Backbone.View.extend({
// =========// = Setup =// =========
events: {
"click": "setActive"
template: new EJS({
url: '/scripts/templates/tenant.ejs'
// =============// = Lifecycle =// =============
initialize: function(model, options) {
render: function() {
var content = this.template.render(this.model);
// ==========// = Events =// ==========
setActive: function(event) {
returnthis.model.set('active', true);
var TenantList = Backbone.View.extend({
// =========// = Setup =// =========
id: "tenantList",
tagName: "ul",
// =============// = Lifecycle =// =============
initialize: function() {
render: function() {
if (this.collection.length > 0) {
renderChildren: function() {
var that = this;
this.collection.each(function(tenant) {
that.$el.append(new TenantView(tenant).$el);
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