Copying Files With Gulp
I have an app. My app source code is structured like this: ./ gulpfile.js src img bg.png logo.png data list.json favicon.ico web.config in
Solution 1:
You can create separate tasks for each target directory, and then combine them using a general "copy-resources" task.
gulp.task('copy-img', function() {
return gulp.src('./src/img/*.png')
gulp.task('copy-data', function() {
return gulp.src('./src/data/*.json')
gulp.task('copy-resources', ['copy-img', 'copy-data']);
Solution 2:
You could also use merge-stream
Install dependency:
npm i -D merge-stream
Load the depedency in your gulp file and use it:
const merge = require("merge-stream");
gulp.task('copy-resources', function() {
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