Unable To Retrieve Data From Api Using Express Nodejs And Mongodb, Loading
I'm attempting to create a Rest API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. I am currently running on my local host :3000. When I try to restart and run the server I am using the rout
Solution 1:
I think Ashley is on the right track. But to make it more clear where the problem is happening try using this as a guide: http://expressjs.com/en/guide/routing.html
app.get('/drinks', function (req, res) {
drink.findAll(req, res);
Then you can add logging in between this call and in your findAll function.
Solution 2:
Your models (drinks.js) accept two parameters (req & res) but on your route you don't pass in any parameters.
Try the following:
app.get('/drinks', function(req, res) {
drink.findAll(req, res);
app.get('/drinks/:id', function(req, res){
drink.findById(req, res);
Alternatively, you could achieve the same with a callback based structure:
app.get('/drinks', function(req, res) {
drink.findAll(function(err, drinks){
exports.findAll = function(callback) {
db.collection('drinks', function(err, collection) {
collection.find().toArray(function(err, drinks) {
callback(err, drinks)
(error handling required) ...
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