Simple Regex For Street Address
I know there are a dozen questions at least on this. I am trying to have a simple validation of input for street address using Regex whereby I check for at least two spaces in the
Solution 1:
=> Alphanumeric, one or more repititions\s
=> Whitespace(\s\w+)
=> A numbered capture group [\s\w+]{2,}
=> at least 2 repititions
Solution 2:
You've got some viable suggestion here. I would however like to offer you a regex that I think does what you asked for:
or, if it's a warning only, you could even add testing of "types" you indicated, like:
allowing for abbreviated version with or without full stop. (Add road, court, etc. at will)
Check it out at regex101.
Hope this helps,
EDIT: Remember to add flag for case insensitive. ;)
Solution 3:
I could not get the other guys to work for some reason but this one validates all street addresses I have ever come up with...
var value = '12136 Test This Road';
var streetAddRegEx = RegExp('/\d{1,}(\s{1}\w{1,})(\s{1}?\w{1,})+)/g');
Basically I made it so it was any set of words more then one proceeding a set of numbers...
Solution 4:
Improved version based on ClasG's answer.
Solution 5:
^(?!\s*$)^((?!([p|P][-. ]?[o|O].?[-]?|post office )[b|B]([ox|OX]))(?!(\`|\~|\!|\@|\#|\$|\%|\^|\&|\*|\(|\)|\+|\=|\[|\{|\]|\}|\||\\|\'|\<|\,|\.|\>|\?|\"|\;|\:)).)*$
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