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How To Disable Youtube Captions In A Youtube Embed Link

When creating an embed link on youtube the Captions are on by default. Is there a way to disable to the captions or turning them off when embedding a youtube link? The documentatio

Solution 1:

Use the same logic as for iv_load_policy and set value to 3:

For example:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also it works great with JS API for embedded videos.

Solution 2:

cc_load_policy (supported players: AS3, AS2) Values: 1. Default is based on user preference. Setting to 1 will cause closed captions to be shown by default, even if the user has turned captions off.


Unfortunately I don't think this is possible as it's a user-preference. The cc_load_policy refers to disabling/enabling the toggle button for the player (limited to AS3, AS2 players). And since VideoJS is based off HTML5, I'm imagining the cc_load_policy isn't available for your use either.

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