How To Call Javascript From C# - Cordova/phonegap
Solution 1:
webBrowser.InvokeScript("myFunction", "one", "two", "three");
executes a scripting function defined in the currently loaded document, and passes the function an array of string parameters.
Obviously you have to have the JavaScript
function defined in the loaded document.
Depending on your view it may work like this:
this.CordovaView.Browser.InvokeScript("eval", newstring[] { "yourJavascriptFunction(); " });
Solution 2:
I found a solution, admittedly not the best one but works for me.
I created a singleton class called WebViewHandler which looks like this
privatestatic WebViewHandler instance;
publicbool isWebViewReady { get { return webView != null; } }
public WPCordovaClassLib.CordovaView webView;
publicvoidsetWebView(ref WPCordovaClassLib.CordovaView webView)
this.webView = webView;
publicstatic WebViewHandler getInstance()
if(instance == null){
instance = new WebViewHandler();
return instance;
Then I set the webview in the constructor on the HomePage like so:
CordovaView.Loaded += CordovaView_Loaded;
WebViewHandler.getInstance().setWebView(ref CordovaView);
Once the WebView is set I can then call InvokeScript from any other class:
Solution 3:
You could use DispatchCommandResult(); as outlined in the cordova documents. That way you can call the c# method, send whatever you need in the callback, and then just execute the javascript from within javascript.
Solution 4:
Try this example :
string str="<script>alert(\"ok\");</script>";
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Script", str, false);
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