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How Do You Sync Javascript Animations With The Tempo Of A Song, Without Building An "audio Visualizer"?

From my basic understanding, JavaScript audio visualizers are reflecting the music based on the actual sound waves. I would like to build something like a metronome (http://bl.ock

Solution 1:

I had a similar problem, in that setInterval could not be relied on to "keep time" over a long period. My solution was the snippet below: (in coffee script, compiled js is in the link at the end)

It provides a drop in replacement for setInetrval that will stay very close to keeping time. With it, you can do this:

accurateInterval(1000 * 60 / bpm, callbackFunc);

See my use case and example that syncs visuals with a provided BPM to a youtube video here:

accurateInterval code:

# Accurate Interval, guaranteed not to drift!# (Though each call can still be a few milliseconds late)
window.accurateInterval = (time, fn) ->

  # This value is the next time the the timer should fire.
  nextAt = new Date().getTime() + time# Allow arguments to be passed in in either order.if typeof time is 'function'
    [fn, time] = [time, fn]

  # Create a function that wraps our function to run.  This is responsible for# scheduling the next call and aborting when canceled.
  wrapper = ->
    nextAt += time
    wrapper.timeout = setTimeout wrapper, nextAt - new Date().getTime()

  # Clear the next call when canceled.
  wrapper.cancel = -> clearTimeout wrapper.timeout

  # Schedule the first call.
  setTimeout wrapper, nextAt - new Date().getTime()

  # Return the wrapper function so cancel() can later be called on it.return wrapper

get the coffee script and js here:

Solution 2:

This post might be relevant:

The gist is that you run a function in your setInterval() slightly faster than your tempo, for example, every 100ms. Long example short, you can track whether or not it's time to play a "beat" by checking the value of (new Date()).getMilliseconds() and seeing if the equivalent of one beat in milliseconds has passed instead of relying on the not-so-accurate setTimeout or setInterval functions.

Even with that, music itself, unless generated by a computer, might not have perfect or consistent tempo, so accounting for mistimed beats could be a hurdle for you, which may be why using audio analysis to find where the actual beats are going to happen could be a better route.

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