How Do I Make A Function Return Data That Was Set Within Function (child Snapshot) In Firebase
Solution 1:
Data is loaded from the Firebase Database asynchronously. You cannot return a value now that hasn't been loaded yet. And until the async
and await
keywords are commonplace, you cannot make JavaScript wait for the async value.
The closest you can get today is to return a promise from get_val()
. Then your calling code will be:
get_val().then(function(data) {
console.log("...." + data);
To do this you'll have to implement get_val()
functionget_val() {
var label = "10/2/2017";
varName = localStorage.getItem("VName") || "delta";
console.log("Name:::" + Name);
var at_val;
var dbref = firebase.database().ref("EmployeeDB/EInfo/").orderByChild("Name").equalTo(Name);
return dbref.once("value").then(function(snapshot) {
var promises = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(childsnapshot) {
var data = childsnapshot.val();
varNameval = data.Name;
Ikey = childsnapshot.key;
var dxRef = firebase.database().ref("EmployeeDB/EApraise/" + Ikey).orderByChild("Dateval").equalTo(label);
dxRef.once("value").then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childsnapshot) {
var data = childsnapshot.val();
at_val = data.Attitude;
}).then(function() {
console.log("In then:" + at_val);
return at_val;
I made a few changes to get_val()
it uses the new 3.x versions of the Firebase SDK. The solution could also work with 2.x, I just didn't feel like setting up a jsbin for that.
it populates a list of promises, one for each of the
recordsit returns a promise that resolves when all the
records are uses Firebase queries to find the correct record. This removes the need for checking the values in the
callbacks. But more importantly it ensures that only the necessary data is downloaded.
To make that last point true, you need to add a few index definitions to the rules in your Firebase Database console:
"rules": {
"EmployeeDB": {
"EInfo": {
".indexOn": "Name"
"EApraise": {
"$eid": {
".indexOn": "Dateval"
Here a jsbin with the working code:,console
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