How Can I Get The Ios Status Bar To *overlay* The App Surface Rather Than Pushing It Down?
I am developing a Phonegap app for iOS (and others). The view is landscape only. I am using Phonegap Build with PG 3.1. I am testing on an iPad3 with iOS7. I need a solution that w
Solution 1:
I got this to work beautifully in Cordova 3.6 + iOS 7.1. And considering that iOS 7 and 8 each have 50% of market share this solution should be enough.
Plugin I'm using: org.apache.cordova.statusbar
Instead of using StatusBar.hide()
I used:
var hideSb = function(){
// StatusBar.hide;
cordova.exec(null, null, 'StatusBar', 'hide', ['Ehi', 'You']);
Call it in fn onDeviceReady
. And this is based on:
callbackFn, // A callback function that deals with the JSON object from the CDVPluginResult instance
errorFn, // An error handler'TargetClass', // What class to target messages to (method calls = message in ObjC)'methodToCall', // Which method to call
[ 'array', 'of', 'arguments'] // These go in the CDVInvokedUrlCommand instance's.arguments property
And I've experienced that wrapping it in a function works and just using it straight away doesn't work at times. Also I'm clueless about the arguments passed!
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