Underscore.js Findwhere In Deep Json
Solution 1:
"itemsGroup"s content is array, so you can iterate that array.
const items = {
"itemsGroup": [
"item": [
{"description": "Name", "value": "Jane Doe"},
{"description": "Age", "value": 23},
{"description": "Phone", "value": "515-555-1234"},
{"description": "Address", "value": "123 Fake St"},
{"description": "City", "value": "Winchestertonfieldville"},
{"description": "State", "value": "IA"},
{"description": "Zip", "value": 50000}
"item": [
{"description": "Eye Color", "value": "Blue"},
{"description": "Hair", "value": "Blonde"},
{"description": "Height", "value": "5'6"},
{"description": "Weight", "value": 125}
const { itemsGroup } = items;
itemsGroup.map((itemGroup) => {
return _.findWhere(itemGroup.item, {description:'Name'})
Not the optional solution, but it will do the trick i guess.
Solution 2:
All the information you're interested in is in items.itemsGroup
, so we start by simply extracting that property. We put this in a chain, so we can massage the data into the shape we want step by step.
// [ { item: [ ... ] },// { item: [ ... ] } ]
This is an array of objects. In each object, we're only interest in the item
property, so our next step could be to take out just that property.
// [ [ { description: 'Name', value: 'Jane Doe' },
// { description: 'Age', value: 23 },
// { description: 'Phone', value: '515-555-1234' },
// { description: 'Address', value: '123 Fake St' },
// { description: 'City', value: 'Winchestertonfieldville' },
// { description: 'State', value: 'IA' },
// { description: 'Zip', value: 50000 } ],
// [ { description: 'Eye Color', value: 'Blue' },
// { description: 'Hair', value: 'Blonde' },
// { description: 'Height', value: '5\'6' },
// { description: 'Weight', value: 125 } ] ]
Now we have an array of arrays, with each element in the innermost arrays being a { description, value }
pair. Since we simply want the first such pair that has { description: 'Name' }
, the nesting of the arrays does not actually matter to us. We can remove the intermediate level of nesting to simplify our lives.
// [ { description: 'Name', value: 'Jane Doe' },
// { description: 'Age', value: 23 },
// { description: 'Phone', value: '515-555-1234' },
// { description: 'Address', value: '123 Fake St' },
// { description: 'City', value: 'Winchestertonfieldville' },
// { description: 'State', value: 'IA' },
// { description: 'Zip', value: 50000 },
// { description: 'Eye Color', value: 'Blue' },
// { description: 'Hair', value: 'Blonde' },
// { description: 'Height', value: '5\'6' },
// { description: 'Weight', value: 125 } ]
Now it's just a matter of taking out that first matching { description, value }
.findWhere({ description: 'Name' }).value();
// { description: 'Name', value: 'Jane Doe' }
For a more thorough introduction to decomposing logic with Underscore functions, see this answer.
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