Some Practical Example Of Asynchronous Iteration(for-await-of) In Action?
Solution 1:
I am giving an answer by just quoting words from @Bergi's comments and from the comments I got from Without an answer my question will be auto-deleted because it has got down-voted.
@Bergi comments from his answer
for await … of is useful where the sequence itself is generated asynchronously (and where its length is not known beforehand to the consumer). A perfect example is paginated fetching of a list from an api. Less perfect would be reading files from a large directory - while one could write that code in two steps (getting an array of filenames, then iterating that), sometimes you prefer an api surface that has them packed in one: an asynchronous iterator where you always get filename and contents together. gives an example for reading files from a large directory,
import fs from"fs/promises";
asyncfunction* findAllFiles(directory: string) {
const dirEntries = await fs.readdir(directory, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const dirEntry of dirEntries) {
if (dirEntry.isFile()) {
yield path.join(directory,;
} elseif (dirEntry.isDirectory()) {
yield* findAllFiles(path.join(directory,;
forawait (const file offindAllFiles("/")) {
if (file.match(/that-file-i-was-looking-for/)) {
console.log(`Found it!`);
To quote
What makes these particularly better than doing it via loading all the entries into an array and returning a Promise for the array, is that they aren't actually all stored at once so if the list is extremely long (such as can be the case for entire file systems) you only actually receive one item at a time, the memory usage is merely the directory depth rather than the number of files.
Another advantage of this approach, is that you don't process what you don't need, when break is used in the above loop the generator function actually just stops. It won't continue past the last file which was yield-ed, and as such we don't wind up searching the entire file system if we find what we need early on.
--- update ---
6 months later I have a better understanding of asynchronous iteration. Now I see that consuming data using for await...of
is nicely separated from the asynchronous generator, each on its own can be a straightforward implementation. And I am not always the author of these 2 parts.
BTW, gives the most detailed information about async iterator I have read.
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