Protractor - Click Within For Each Not Behaving As Expected
Solution 1:
Since you didn't attach HTML and a screenshot of your app, here is my shot in a dark... Try this and let me know if works
let tabs = element.all('tab'));
let radioButtons = element.all('radio1'));
let tabCount = await tabs.count();
for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
await tabs.get(i).click();
let radioCount = await radioButtons.count();
for (let j = 0; j < radioCount; j++) {
await radioButtons.get(j).click();
await element('saveAndContinue')).click();
Solution 2:
A couple things to note, the "id" Attribute is required to be unique. You should not have multiple elements with the same id, this can cause some wacky behavior. check out this answer as a source Does ID have to be unique in the whole page?
Also, element.all() is going to return an array of elements, so you are trying to click an array of elements.
see the documentation for element.all() on protractor docs
Assuming the elements are being returned as an array, in spite of using duplicate html id's, you would need to click them individually like such
element.all('radio1')).then(function (myIds) {
Or of course loop thru them.
Best of luck
Solution 3:
1) missed await
2) element.all().click() shouldn't work
const tabs = await element.all('tab'));
tabs.forEach(async tab => {
await element.all('radio1')).first().click();
// I think you should not find all radio1 of entire page, // it will find radio1 of other tabs which is not visible in the active tab.// and protractor will fail to click on invisible radio1// thus you should find raido1 which is belongs to active tab
await element('saveAndContinue')).click();
Solution 4:
Thanks to Sergey Pleshakov above following works (after wee bit change):
asyncdoGateway2bComplexHappyPath() {
let tabs = element.all('tab'));
let tabCount = await tabs.count();
for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
//await browser.sleep(1000);await element('saveAndProceed')).click();
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