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Make Clipboard Copy-paste Work On Iphone Devices

I have web application, which is mostly designed to be run on mobile devices. I have one button, which will copy to device clipboard the passed text. I am using javascript for that

Solution 1:

Try this. Works for me.

var copy = function(elementId) {

	var input = document.getElementById(elementId);
	var isiOSDevice = navigator.userAgent.match(/ipad|iphone/i);

	if (isiOSDevice) {
		var editable = input.contentEditable;
		var readOnly = input.readOnly;

		input.contentEditable = true;
		input.readOnly = false;

		var range = document.createRange();

		var selection = window.getSelection();

		input.setSelectionRange(0, 999999);
		input.contentEditable = editable;
		input.readOnly = readOnly;

	} else {;

<inputtype="text"id="foo"value="text to copy" /><buttononclick="copy('foo')">Copy text</button>

Solution 2:

According to CanIUse, Safari on iOS doesn't support document.execCommand('copy'), probably because of security reasons.

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