How Is Localized Data Binding Set Up With Json Files And Xml Views?
Solution 1:
The approach I usually take is using a formatter function, which sole purpose is to get the correct localized value for a certain key (which is maintained in the resource model, and driven by the data model)
For instance, the Tile UI would look like this:
<TileContainerid="container"tiles="{/tiles}"><StandardTileicon="{icon}"type="{type}"title="{ path : 'title', formatter : '.getI18nValue' }"info="{ path : 'info', formatter : '.getI18nValue' }"infoState="{infoState}"press="handlePress"/></TileContainer>
(Notice the formatter function getI18nValue
for properties title
and info
; these are the properties to be translated. The other properties come as-is from the bound JSONModel)
The model could look like this:
tiles : [
icon : "sap-icon://inbox",
number : "12",
title : "inbox", // i18n property 'inbox'info : "overdue", // i18n property 'overdue'infoState : "Error"
icon : "sap-icon://calendar",
number : "3",
title : "calendar", // i18n property 'calendar'info : "planned", // i18n property 'planned'infoState : "Success"
where the title
and info
property values of the JSONModel (for instance, 'inbox' and 'overdue') correspond with a key in your resourcebundle files (and thus your ResourceModel)
The formatter function in the controller (or better, in a standalone JS file, for re-use in multiple views) is then pretty simple:
getI18nValue : function(sKey) {
It does nothing more than supplying the value from the model (for instance, 'inbox') and returning the localized value for this key from the resource model
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