Calculating If Date Picker + Time Picker Are In The Past Of Eastern Standard Time Zone
I've got a standard input type=date field that outputs a value such as '2016-03-28' when its posted, and a time picker that outputs a value like '10:30pm' when posted. I need to ch
Solution 1:
Here's how I did it:
var entryDate = $("input[name='launchDate']").val();
var entryTime = $("input[name='launchtime']").val();
var morningEvening = entryTime.slice(-2);
var fixedTime;
if (morningEvening === "am") {
fixedTime = entryTime.split('am').join(' AM');
} else {
fixedTime = entryTime.split('pm').join(' PM');
var newDate = newDate(entryDate + " " + fixedTime);
var inputDate = newDate.toLocaleString();
var offset = -5.0;
var clientDate = newDate();
var utc = clientDate.getTime() + (clientDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
var newYork = newDate(utc + (3600000*offset));
var newYorkDate = newYork.toLocaleString();
if (inputDate < newYorkDate) {
console.log("It's in the past");
} else {
console.log("It's in the future");
Solution 2:
Given separate inputs for date like 2016-03-28 and time like 10:30pm you should parse both to produce a Date. To treat the date as EST (presumably US -05:00), create the date using UTC methods and add 5 hours.
A Date for "now" will have a UTC time value so you can use that as–is, then just directly compare the Date objects:
/* @param {string} ds - date string in format yyyy-mm-dd
** @param {string} ts - time string in format hh:mmap
** @returns {Date} Date with time value for equivalent EST time
*/functionparseDateTimeAsEST(ds, ts) {
var b = ds.split(/\D/);
var c = ts.split(/\D/);
c[0] = +c[0] + (/pm$/i.test(ts)? 12 : 0);
returnnewDate(Date.UTC(b[0], b[1]-1, b[2], c[0]+5, c[1]));
// Is now before or after 2016-03-28T22:30:00-05:00?document.write(newDate() < parseDateTimeAsEST('2016-03-28','10:30pm')? 'before' : 'after');
// Is now before or after 2016-04-01T01:30:00-05:00?document.write(newDate() < parseDateTimeAsEST('2016-04-01','01:30am')? 'before' : 'after');
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