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A String Method To Return All Placements Of A Specified String?

Is there a method like indexOf but that would return all placements of the specified string, in an array? Like 'test test atest'.method(test) would return [0, 5, 11]

Solution 1:

I'm not aware of such a method, but it's pretty easy to write using indexOf:

functionfindAll(string, substring) {
    var i = -1;
    var indices = [];

    while ((i = string.indexOf(substring, i+1)) !== -1) {

    return indices;

console.log(findAll("test test atest", "test"));

// Output:// [ 0, 5, 11 ]

Solution 2:

You could use an custom prototype of string with iterating all results of String#indexOf.

String.prototype.getIndicesOf = function (s) {
    var result = [],
        p= this.indexOf(s);
    while (p !== -1) {
        p = this.indexOf(s, p + 1);
    return result;

console.log("test test atest".getIndicesOf("test"));

Solution 3:

Your question title specifically asks for a string method, and the technique below technically uses a RegExp method (where the string is, instead, a parameter of the method). However, it is fairly straightforward:

const regex = /test/g;
const indices = [];
while (result = regex.exec('test test atest')) indices.push(result.index);

It can also easily be converted into a nice, neat call-able function:

constfindIndices = (target, query) => {
  const regex = newRegExp(query, 'g');
  const indices = [];
  while (result = regex.exec(target)) indices.push(result.index);
  return indices;

  findIndices('test test atest', 'test')

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