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Geolocation, Loop With For And Javascript

I'm working on a Geolocation tool for a mobile website and so far i got this: The Geolocation verification from here: if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurr

Solution 1:

Your loop condition is i<4 so i will be 0, 1, 2, 3, but you only have array indices 0, 1, 2

You can't go past the length of the array, so change the loop condition to go until the length of the array using i < aLocal.length

for(i = 0; i < aLocal.length; i++) {

Solution 2:

aLocal has three elements. Your loop goes from 0 to 3 so that are 4 elements.

for (var$i = 0; $i < aLocal.length; $i++) {

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