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Fadein() Images In Slideshow Using Jquery

I am working on an image slideshow, and the fadeOut() functionality working with every image change, but the next image appears abruptly. I want it to fade in. I can't seem to get

Solution 1:

I'd recommend something like this for your interval function:

window.setInterval(function (){
  var images = $('#backgroundChanger img');
  var active, next;

  images.each(function(index, img) {
    if($(img).hasClass('active')) {
      active = index;
      next = (index === images.length - 1) ? 0 : index + 1;

  $(images[active]).fadeOut(1000, function() {

}, 3000);

And this is all you'd need for your css:

#backgroundChangerimg:first-child {
  display: block;

#backgroundChangerimg {
  display: none;

And keep the same HTML and you should be good to go!

Solution 2:

You can fadeIn() the next image in the callback of fadeOut() as shown below:

$(window).load(function() {
  var $slider = $("#backgroundChanger"),
    $slides = $slider.find("img"),
    $firstSlide = $slides.first();

  functioncycleImages() {
    var $active = $('#backgroundChanger .active'),
      $next = ($ > 0) ? $ : $firstSlide;
    $active.fadeOut(1000, function() {

  setInterval(cycleImages, 3000);
#backgroundChangerimg {
  position: absolute;
  width: 150px;
  height: 100px;
<scriptsrc=""></script><divid="backgroundChanger"><imgclass="active"src="" /><imgsrc="" /><imgsrc="" /></div>


  • Since we're dealing with images, It's better to use load() handler than ready() to make sure the slide show starts after the images are loaded
  • You can slightly improve the performance by caching the elements accessed frequently
  • You don't have to play with z-index property at all since both fadeIn() and fadeOut() changes the elements `display property itself

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