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Append Value To Url Search Param

I'm trying to add a value to a search parameter in an URL but it's partly not working. For example I've this URL: How can I add now a

Solution 1:

Use a regular expression to match the color=... parameter.

window.history.pushState(null, null,\bcolor=[^&]*/, '$&,Red'));

Solution 2:

You could parse the url, mutate it and build it up again:

functionparseURL(url) {
    const [domain, rest] = url.split("?");
    const args = {};
    for(const [k, v] of rest.split("&").map(pair => pair.split("=")))
      args[k] = v;
    return { domain, args };

 consttoURL = ({ url, args }) =>
    url + "?" + Object.entries(args).map(pair => pair.join("=")).join("&");

 const url = parseURL(window.location);
 url.args["color"] += ",Red";
 window.location = toURL(url);

That way you can easily modify all different parameters.

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