Uploading An Image From Canvas To Php Server Using Ajax
In the software I am building, I am using the webcam to take a picture and from there upload it to the PHP server for later usage. I have successfully uploaded images from my compu
Solution 1:
You are not sending it as a file to send it as one use Blob or File object
var blob = new Blob([capture ], {type: 'application/octet-binary'});
var form = new FormData();
var fileName = 'snap.png'; //filename
form.append('something', blob, fileName);
On server decode and save
$dest = 'uploads/'.$_FILES['something']['name'];
$file = file_get_contents($dest);
$tmp = explode(',',$file); //remove data: header
file_put_contents($dest,base64_decode($tmp[1])); //decode base64 n save
Solution 2:
// Create a blob instead of dataURL (that way you save ~3x bandwidth and CPU)
canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
var fd = newFormData()
// append the blob to a multipart form
fd.append('image', blob, 'snapshot.png')
// send the form to the server using ajaxfetch('picture.php', {method: 'post', body: fd})
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