Select The First Element In A Set Of Css Selectors
On a project I'm working on, one of the conventions we want to set up for our users, is that when we open a modal, we automatically focus the first element of the opened modal that
Solution 1:
Try this:
var $firstElement = $("input, select, textarea").first();
In case you're using hidden inputs
, there's a way around that as well:
var $firstElement = $("input, select, textarea").filter(':visible:first');
Solution 2:
You can use $.fn.first()
Reduce the set of matched elements to the first in the set.
$('input, select').first().focus();
Solution 3:
var tabbableElements = 'a[href], area[href], input:not([type="radio"]):not([disabled]),' +
'input[type="radio"]:checked:not([disabled]),' +
'select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]),' +
'button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex],' +
var$allTabbableElements = $(context).find(tabbableElements).filter(':visible');
var firstTabbableElement = $allTabbableElements.first()[0];
This is part of a code i use for keeping focus within a modal. Hope it helps.
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