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Jquery Autocomplete With Input Validation Frozen

I have created a autocomplete with tags similar to SO. It grabs data from my db and inserts the data as comma delimited tags into a form field. eg. PHP, JS, SO, Laravel I wanted i

Solution 1:

You have missed String.fromCharCode(e.which)


var input = $(this).val();

Should be

var input = $(this).val()+String.fromCharCode(e.which);

Solution 2:

This is what I ended up doing

  $( "#themeti" )
        // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item

     .bind( "keydown", function( event ) {
            if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
                    $( this ).data( "autocomplete" ) ) {
            source: function( request, response ) {
                $.getJSON( "../../assets/php/themedata.php", {
                    term: extractLast( request.term )
                }, response );
            search: function() {
                // custom minLengthvar term = extractLast( this.value );
                if ( term.length < 2 ) {
            focus: function() {
                // prevent value inserted on focusreturnfalse;

          select: function( event, ui ) {
    var terms = split( this.value );
    if(terms.length <= 4) { 
        // remove the current input
        // add the selected item
        terms.push( ui.item.value );
        // add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
        terms.push( "" );
        this.value = terms.join( ", " );
    } else {
        var last = terms.pop();
        $(this).val(this.value.substr(0, this.value.length - last.length - 2)); // removes text from input
        $(this).effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
        $("#warnings").html("<span style='color:red;'>Max people reached</span>");

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