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Ie9 Javascript Error Script575 - C00c023f - Prototype File

I am having the same problem, but in the console of the F12 of IE9, it says: SCRIPT575: Could not complete the operation due to error c00c023f. prototype.js?v=7.6, line 1361 chara

Solution 1:

Remove the encoding:


The encoding can give this problem.

Solution 2:

As James points out, this error is likely due to the cause discussed here: The solution offered there is unappealing in this case because it would require editing the Prototype library. Instead of doing that, I worked around the problem by overriding the respondToReadyState change method so I could trap the error. Here's the monkey patch (against prototype 1.7). Put the following in your code after Prototype is loaded but before it is used:

Ajax.Request.prototype.respondToReadyState_orig =
Ajax.Request.prototype.respondToReadyState = function(readyState) {
  // Catch the exception, if there is one.try {
  catch(e) {

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