How To Pass A Blob Created In Javascript To Jsf Bean
My client side code deals with canvas drawing, and i generate a blob zip file of the shapes using javascript. I want to use the zip at the server side. However, I am not able to f
Solution 1:
You can pass blob from JavaScript to JSF bean by encoding blob to some string representation, for example, to Base64 and passing it to Primefaces p:remoteCommand
, sending it to managed bean and finally decoding it there back to byte array.
Procedure would be following:
Convert blob to Base64
function prepareAndSendBlobToManagedBean(){ //zipped file as blobvar blob=...; ///convert blob to Base64 stringvar blobBase64String=convertToBase64(blob); sendBlobBase64([{name : 'blobBase64Name', value : blobBase64String}]); }
(for converting from blob to base64 reffer to this accepted answer)
Add p:remoteCommand to your page
<p:remoteCommand name="sendBlobBase64" actionListener="#{yourBean.onBlobBase64Sent}" process="@this"/>
In managed bean named yourBean you can catch it with
publicvoidonBlobBase64Sent() { String blobBase64 = (String)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("blobBase64Name"); byte[]blob=java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(blobBase64); }
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