How To Call Onchange Event When Dropdown Values Are Same February 28, 2024 Post a Comment I am using Jquery chosen plugin and it's working fine. I have used this plugin in my one of the module. My dropdown values are something like that: Solution 1: I saw your implementation and it is working fine in code pen here is the link no need to change anything<select id="itemcode" onchange="get_data()"> <optionvalue="1">ITEM001</option><optionvalue="2">ITEM002</option><optionvalue="1">ITEM001</option><optionvalue="3">ITEM003</option> </select> var get_data =function(){ alert("saas") } Copy 2: Try this $('#itemcode').click(function() { console.log($(this).val()); });Copy<scriptsrc=""></script><selectid="itemcode"><optionvalue="1">ITEM001-A</option><optionvalue="2">ITEM002</option><optionvalue="1">ITEM001-B</option><optionvalue="3">ITEM003</option></select>CopySolution 3: Edit: This doesn't work. Sorry!You could add a data attribute that differs for each element, for example:<selectid="itemcode"onchange="get_data()"><optionvalue="1"data-id="1">ITEM001</option><optionvalue="2"data-id="2">ITEM002</option><optionvalue="1"data-id="3">ITEM001</option><optionvalue="3"data-id="4">ITEM003</option></select>CopyIf you're using Rails or another framework to generate the <option> tags, it should be easy to add an incremental id to each element.Solution 4: There is no way to fire get_data() with your current data. The solution below is more of a hack. When you populate the options, prepend the value with something unique. Eg.<selectid="itemcode"onchange="get_data()"><optionvalue="1_1">ITEM001</option><optionvalue="2_2">ITEM002</option><optionvalue="3_1">ITEM001</option><optionvalue="4_3">ITEM003</option></select>CopyThus your get_data() method will be called everytime. And in your get_data() method, split the value using underscore _ and you can get the actual value there.functionget_data(){ var actualValue=$(this).val().split("_")[1]; //do other processing ... } CopyYou can use other characters like $, or anything you like, instead of _ Solution 5: Ideally you want to change the data coming from the backend so that you don't get duplicate data. However if this is not possible, another approach would be to sanitise the data before putting it in the select. E.g dataFromBackend = [ {key:1, value: "ITEM0001" }, {key:2, value: "ITEM0002" }, {key:1, value: "ITEM0001" }, {key:3, value: "ITEM0003" } ]; functionremoveDuplicates(array){ var o = {}; array.forEach(function(item){ o[item.key] = item.value; }); return o; } functionget_data(){ console.log('get_data'); } var sanitised = removeDuplicates(dataFromBackend); var select = document.createElement('select'); = "itemcode"; select.addEventListener('change', get_data); Object.keys(sanitised).forEach(function(key){ var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = key; option.textContent = sanitised[key]; select.appendChild(option); }) document.getElementById('container').appendChild(select); Copy Share Post a Comment for "How To Call Onchange Event When Dropdown Values Are Same"
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