Custom Styles For Multiple Instances Of Fancybox
Solution 1:
First you need to understand that when you use the wrapCSS
option, a new class
selector will be added to the fancybox wrap (.fancybox-wrap
) so adding the option wrapCSS:'fancybox-nav-video'
means that when you open fancybox you will get
<div class="fancybox-wrap fancybox-nav-video ....etc." ....
Second, you need to declare your specific fancybox buttons CSS properties for such new selector (an inline CSS declaration after you loaded the fancybox css file):
.fancybox-nav-video.fancybox-nav {
width: 60px;
.fancybox-nav-video.fancybox-navspan {
visibility: visible; /* arrows will be permanently visible */
.fancybox-nav-video.fancybox-next {
right: -60px; /* move right outside fancybox area */
.fancybox-nav-video.fancybox-prev {
left: -60px; /* move left outside fancybox area */
Notice that these new css properties will be applied only to the fancybox wrap with class fancybox-nav-video
(where we used the wrapCSS
option). These css will place the buttons as well as the clickable area outside the fancybox, clearing out the vimeos's play button. Because that, we made the navigation arrows permanently visible, otherwise the visitor won't know where to hover.
Third, you just need to wrap all your fancybox custom scripts within a single .ready()
method like:
$(document).ready(function() {
// fancybox for vimeo
width: 781,
height: 440,
type: 'iframe',
fitToView : false,
wrapCSS : 'fancybox-nav-video'// add a class selector to the fancybox wrap
// fancybox for images
// options for images here
}); // ready</script>
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