Calling A Javascript Function From Managed Bean
Solution 1:
PrimeFaces 6.2+
Use PrimeFaces#executeScript()
publicvoidsubmit() {
// ...
NOTE: works only when submit()
is invoked by Ajax.
PrimeFaces 6.2-
publicvoidsubmit() {
// ...
NOTE: works only when submit()
is invoked by Ajax.
JSF 2.3+
Use PartialViewContext#getEvalScripts()
publicvoidsubmit() {
// ...
NOTE: works only when submit()
is invoked by Ajax.
Use Ajax#oncomplete()
publicvoidsubmit() {
// ...
NOTE: works only when submit()
is invoked by Ajax.
JSF 2.2-
Best what you can do is to set the desired script as a bean property and conditionally render a <h:outputScript>
component when the bean property is not empty.
<h:commandButton...action="#{bean.submit}" /><h:outputScriptrendered="#{not empty bean.script}">#{bean.script}</h:outputScript>
publicvoidsubmit() {
// ...
script = "alert('peek-a-boo');";
In case you're submitting the form by Ajax, don't forget to wrap the <h:outputScript>
in another component and ajax-update it instead. See also Ajax update/render does not work on a component which has rendered attribute.
<h:commandButton...action="#{bean.submit}"><f:ajaxexecute="@form"render="script" /></h:commandButton><h:panelGroupid="script"><h:outputScriptrendered="#{not empty bean.script}">#{bean.script}</h:outputScript></h:panelGroup>
Solution 2:
Depending on which version of Primefaces you're on you can use RequestContext.execute("{js here}");
From the Primefaces 3.4 documentation:
RequestContext provides a way to execute javascript when the ajax request completes, this approach is easier compared to passing callback params and execute conditional javascript. Example below hides the dialog when ajax request completes;
publicvoidsave() {
RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
Solution 3:
Closest thing in Primefaces is;
Having said there is also an enhancement in 3.0;
Solution 4:
You can't simply.
Managed Bean
works on server and JavaScript on browser.
You can make conditionally invoke JavaScript depending on the value set in managedbean
Solution 5:
In general, Java provides an API to evaluate a string using a scripting engine. This can be accomplished by javax.script.ScriptEngine and javax.script.ScriptEngineManager classes.
I am not entirely sure what your situation is, but if you can pass the javascript as a string to the managed bean, you could probably use Java scripting API to run the javascript on the server side.
For more information, check out this link:
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