Typescript, Generic Variadic Factory Function Returning Tuple
In typescript, a factory function can be created like this, with a return type defined: function factory1(object: new () => T): T { return new object(); } If I want
Solution 1:
Sure, you can make the factory rest argument a mapped array/tuple type. You'll need a type assertion or something like it to convince the compiler that the returned value in the body is really a [...T]
function factory<T extendsany[]>(...ctors: { [K in keyof T]: new () => T[K] }) {
return ctors.map(x =>new x) as [...T];
You can verify that this works:
classA {
x = 1;
classB {
u = "u";
classC {
s = true;
const objects = factory(A, B, C);
// const objects: [A, B, C]
console.log(JSON.stringify(objects)); // [{"x":1},{"u":"u"},{"s":true}]
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