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Show Popup And Reset Timer On Refresh

I am showing a popup for users that are not logged in. I do this using javascript and PHP.

Solution 1:

I got the answer from my self with the help of my friend .The cookie should set like below


if(!empty($_COOKIE['visited']) && $_COOKIE['visited'] == true)
 $popup_time = 0;
 else$popup_time = 60000; 

Here $popup_time variable is set to the function javascript code like below

setTimeout(function() {
        // Show popup3 after 2 seconds
    }, <?phpecho$popup_time?>);

And that's it :) . I am frustrated that no one given me a right way here.

Anyway thanks

Solution 2:

Here the idea on how can you achieve this.

  1. user open the page
  2. check if a cookie is_first_time is set

    2a. if not set show the popup after 5 minutes and set the is_first_time cookie 2b. if already set show the popup instantly

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