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Jest Mock Moment() To Return Specific Date

I know this question has been asked multiple times. But I could not find the correct one for my case. I would like to mock the moment() to return a specific date. First, I mock by

Solution 1:

Mock the moment() function and its returned value. Use jest.requireActual('moment') to get the original module. Copy its properties and methods to the mocked one.



import moment from'moment';

exportfunctionmain() {
  const date = moment().format();
  console.log('date: ', date);
  const duration = moment.duration(2, 'minutes').humanize();
  console.log('duration: ', duration);


import { main } from'.';
import moment from'moment';

jest.mock('moment', () => {
  const oMoment = jest.requireActual('moment');
  const mm = {
    format: jest.fn(),
  const mMoment = jest.fn(() => mm);
  for (let prop in oMoment) {
    mMoment[prop] = oMoment[prop];
  return mMoment;

describe('68209029', () => {
  it('should pass', () => {

test result:

PASSexamples/68209029/index.test.js(8.914s)68209029shouldpass(20ms)console.logdate:2021-01-01T00:00:00.000ZatObject.main(examples/68209029/index.js:5:11)console.logduration:2minutesatObject.main(examples/68209029/index.js:7:11)Test Suites:1passed,1totalTests:1passed,1totalSnapshots:0totalTime:9.726s

Take a look at the logs, we mocked the returned value of moment().format() correctly and keep using the original implementation of moment.duration(2, 'minutes').humanize() method.

Solution 2:

Additional to @slideshowp2's answer.

Just wanted to add another way for this:

jest.mock("moment", () => {
  // Require actual momentconst actualMoment = jest.requireActual("moment");

  // Mocking moment func: // moment() => return specific date, and it won't affect moment(date) with param.constmockMoment: any = (date: string | undefined) =>actualMoment(date || "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z");

  // Now assign all properties from actual moment to the mock moment, so that they can be used normallyfor (let prop in actualMoment) {
    mockMoment[prop] = actualMoment[prop];
  return mockMoment;

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