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Firebase Cloud Functions Is Deleting Nodes Instantly Instead Of Deleting After 2 Hours

I'm using Cloud Functions to delete nodes after 2 hours on firebase.However, when I add a node, it is being deleted as soon as it is created inside the database My index.js: const

Solution 1:

Your timestamps are stored in seconds, not in milliseconds. Since your code uses, which returns the timestamp in milliseconds, you're comparing values that are 1000x off.

The simplest solution is to:

const CUT_OFF_TIME = 2 * 60 * 60; // 2 Hours in seconds

Solution 2:

You are comparing timestamp in milliseconds with timestamp in seconds.

var cutoff = now - CUT_OFF_TIME; - The cutoff value is in milliseconds

You need to change the CUT_OFF_TIME and convert to seconds.

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