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Why Is My Global Variable Shadowed Before The Local Declaration?

x = 1; alert(x); var y = function() { alert(x); var x = 2; alert(x); } y(); The result of the 3 alerts is: 1, undefined, 2 (Chrome 25) My question is: why the

Solution 1:

Due to hoisting, this is what gets executed:

x = 1; 
var y = function() { 
    var x; // <-- this gets hoisted up from where it was.alert(x); 
    x = 2; 

At the start of function y(), the local variable x is declared but not initialized.

Solution 2:

The variable declaration in the function is hoisted to the top. So it technically looks like this:

var y = function() {
    var x;


    x = 2;

The local variable overshadows the global one. That is why the alert returns undefined.

Solution 3:

Since scope in JavaScript is a function object. When you execute some code in a function(your code sample), "alert(x)" will find if there's any definition of "x" in the function. So, there's a "var x = 2" in this function. But the JavaScript runtime will explain your code like this:

x = 1; 
var y = function() { 
  var x;
  x = 2; 

So, the x in the second alert is "undefined" not "1". So when you declare some variable in a function, I recommend you to declare the variables in the top of your function.

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