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Where Does Graphael (line Chart) Calculates It's Maximum Value?

I am facing a very serious bug using graphael. Therefore, I want to change the procedure it uses to calculate the maximum value for the y axis. However, It's way to confusing for m

Solution 1:

Sorry, I don't have any experience with gRaphael, but since no one else has answered, I might be able to help you somewhat...

The code for gRaphael's LineChart is located here.

Normally, I would suggest overriding the function that calculates the y axis max value, but since that object is enclosed in a private scope, you will only be able to change the code, directly, through a local copy of that file.

I only skimmed the code, but was not able to find where in it the actual calculation was being done.

Solution 2:

It calculates them through the .snapEnds() method in gRaphael core. If you want, you can expose the values to the linechart options using this method.

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