Jquery Reversing Animation On Second Click
Solution 1:
The easiest way to handle this would be to use jQuery toggle. This allows you to activate two functions on alternate clicks.
// odd clicks
// even clicks
...And a quick jsFiddle to demonstrate.
Note that this uses jQuery's toggle event handler, not the animation effect of the same name.
Note #2: As per the documentation, toggle() was removed in jQuery 1.9. (That is, the method signature that allowed you to pass multiple functions which were activated on alternate clicks.)
Solution 2:
First of all you are missing a . in the addClass line. This is the correct version: $('a.contact').addClass('open');
Anyway, I would do like this:
// Bind the click event with the live function
$('a.contact:not(.open)').live('click', function() {
// Animate box as wanted and add a class to indicate that the box is open.// ... Code to animate goes here ...
$('a.open').live('click', function() {
// Reverse animation and remove class// ... Code to reverse animation goes here ...
The reason that you need to bind with the live function is that the class "open" is not added to any elements when the regular .click() binding takes place.
Read about the live method here: http://api.jquery.com/live/
Solution 3:
$('a.contact').click(function(e) {
var dir = '';
if ($(this).hasclass('to-left'))
dir = 'to-rigth';
else//ini or has class to rigth
dir = 'to-left';
dir = $(this).addclass(dir);
if (dir=='to-left')
//you code to left
//you code to rigth
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