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How ${history} Records How The Program Reached The Final Solution?

This example from Eloquent JS explains how recursion works. I understand in general. BUT I couldn't get how ${history} records the path toward the final solution. I run it in htt

Solution 1:

In the example above you see function find(current, history) being called from return find(1, "1"); within function findSolution(target)

I have simplified that example it does the same thing

functionfind(current, history, target) {
        if (current == target) {
            return history;
        } elseif (current > target) {
        } else {
            returnfind(current + 5, `(${history} + 5)`, target) || find(current * 3, `(${history} * 3)` , target );

console.log(find(1, "1", 88)); 
i will try to explain

(${history} + 5) is same as: '(' + history + 5 + ')' since history is equal to "1" in the first call, history = "(1 + 5)" as a string.

current is equal to 1 current + 5 = 6, history = "(1 + 5)", target 88 now the function calls it self passing find(6, "(1 + 5)", 88)

next find calls it self again passing

find( 11, '(' + (1 + 5) + 5 + ')', 88 ) 

and the same process continue until if (current == target) gets true

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