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Change Model's Table Name Runtime

I am using Sequelize.js and need to save historical data till specific year and want to separate my tables by year's prefix for example prices_2010, prices_2011 e.g. I can create s

Solution 1:

You should never store any kind of information like years as table names since its data. You should store them as separate table entries, as actual usable data.

Change company_historical_<year> to just company_historical and create a new table called company_historical_years which just has all the possible years the Company Historical entries can have.

Then create a relationship between the Company Historical entry and the related Company Historcal Years entry.

So something like:

var CompanyHistoricalYears = sequelize.define('company_historical_years', {
    year: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER
    classMethods: {
        associate: function (models) {

var CompanyHistorical = sequelize.define('company_historical', {
    classMethods: {
        associate: function (models) {

and then you can query it with:

    where: {
        year: 2011, // or you can use "new Date().getFullYear()"
    include: [CompanyHistorical]

this will give you a single CompanyHistoricalYears entry and all the CompanyHistorical entries that are within that year.

If non of this makes sense then feel free to comment with any questions.

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