Angular Testing With Karma: "module Is Not Defined"
Solution 1:
The message stating that module/angular is not defined means that your angular-mocks.js file is not being loaded, despite the fact you have it listed in your karma.conf.js file.
The problem you're experiencing is gulp-karma ignoring your karma.conf.js files array. This happens when you pass a string or glob into gulp.src in the gulpfile.
To work around this, pass gulp.src a string for a bogus file, "./foobar" for instance, and this will cause the files array in the karma.conf.js file to be used instead.
gulp.task('test', function () {
configFile: 'karma.conf.js',
action: 'run'
Hope this helps!
Solution 2:
This is not the answer to your particular issue, but I had a similar symptom in a very similar scenario. However, the root cause was different, so I'll share it here in case others find this post and they have the same issue I had.
In my case, because I introduced tests later in the game, there was a mismatch between the versions of angular (1.4.7) and angular-mocks (1.6.9).
I found out this was the root cause by using the debug of Karma in the browser. Lowering the version of angular-mocks to match angular solved the issue.
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