Is There An Existing Way In Google Script To Check If An A1 Notation Is In Range Of A Second A1 Notation
I am currently writing a function for this myself, could not find an existing function in the google docs. But I was wondering, this is so standard, there should be a default way t
Solution 1:
We can use regex to separate strings and test them individually. Try this sample:
* @return {boolean} Returns TRUE If the given a1Notation is in the rangeToCheck
* @param {"A1"} a1Notation The range in A1Notation
* @param {"A1:B1"} rangeToCheck The range in which to check the A1 Notation
*/functionwithinRange(a1Notation, rangeToCheck) {
var input =, function(e) {
return e.toUpperCase();
var rangeArgs = /^([A-Z]+)?(\d+)?:([A-Z]+)?(\d+)?$/.exec(input[1]);
var a1NotationArgs = /^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$/.exec(input[0]).map(function(e, i) {
return i == 1 ? (' ' + e).substr(-2) : e * 1;
/* If range arguments are missing(like missing end column in "A1:1"), add arbitrary arguments(like "A1:ZZ1")*/
rangeArgs =, i) {
return e === undefined ?
i % 2 === 0 ?
i > 2 ?
Infinity : -Infinity
: i > 2 ?
'ZZ' : ' A'
: i % 2 === 0 ?
e * 1 : (' ' + e).substr(-2);
console.log(rangeArgs, a1NotationArgs);
return (a1NotationArgs[1] >= rangeArgs[1] &&
a1NotationArgs[1] <= rangeArgs[3] &&
a1NotationArgs[2] >= rangeArgs[2] &&
a1NotationArgs[2] <= rangeArgs[4]);
The above supports up to 2 letter columns.
Solution 2:
There are probably some issues with this code, but maybe it will give you an idea.
functionisWithinA1Range(a1Notation,a1_Two) {
var columnRangeOneStart,colmRngOneEnd,columnRange2Start,colmRng2End,columnIsInside,
ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
sh = ss.getActiveSheet();
rng = sh.getRange(a1Notation);
rng2 = sh.getRange(a1_Two);
columnRangeOneStart = rng.getColumn();
colmRngOneEnd = rng.getLastColumn();
columnRange2Start = rng2.getColumn();
colmRng2End = rng2.getLastColumn();
columnIsInside = columnRangeOneStart >= columnRange2Start && columnRangeOneStart <= colmRng2End;
rowRangeOneStart = rng.getRow();
rowRngOneEnd = rng.getLastRow();
rowRange2Start = rng2.getRow();
rowRng2End = rng2.getLastRow();
rowIsInside = rowRangeOneStart >= rowRange2Start && rowRangeOneStart <= rowRng2End;
if (columnIsInside && rowIsInside) {
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