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Does Knockout.js Cleannode Remove All Associated Event Listeners?

I'm loading pages via ajax, on the start of each ajax request I clean the page and then load applybindings on the new page that is added. I keep a persistent model throughout, it's

Solution 1:

First, as you found, you should not use cleanNode.

Second, you should prefer to have Knockout manage the entire DOM rather than a chunk of it. In your case, you're handling the app the old-fashioned manipulate-the-DOM-yourself way, and managing the changing content with Knockout.

All you really need is a version of the html binding that applies bindings to its content. A simple custom binding handler using applyBindingsToDescendants can make that work. Example:

ko.bindingHandlers.boundHtml = {
    update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        const contentHtml = ko.unwrap(valueAccessor());
        element.innerHTML = contentHtml;
        ko.applyBindingsToDescendants(bindingContext, element)

const someContents = [
'First content <span data-bind="text:someValue"></span>',
'Second content <span data-bind="text:anotherValue"></span>',
'Third content <span data-bind="text:someValue() + anotherValue()"></span>'

  pageContent: ko.observable('hi there'),
  someValue: ko.observable(3),
  anotherValue: ko.observable('foo'),
  changePage() {
    if (someContents.length) {

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